balcony solar system

As world energy demands grow, solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular option for homeowners. Whether to offset short-term price gouging or to reduce reliance on fossil fuels in the long term, solar energy is a viable – and increasingly affordable – choice for many people looking to better manage their energy costs.

Most people think you need a full roof of solar panels to reap the benefits of solar energy, but that’s not always the case. Small residential solar systems can provide a homeowner with some or all of the energy necessary for their home, and they come in a variety of configurations to suit any budget. Such as balcony solar system.

balcony solar system

A balcony-based solar power system provides enough power for your laptop and lights

With a plug-in solar power system like this, you can generate electricity to run your computer when working from home, charge the battery on your electric bike or switch on the lights. Experts estimate this kind of set-up can cover up to 15 per cent of your electricity needs. However, the energy generated from the sun’s rays isn’t enough to get the dishwasher going or cook pasta. Household appliances require more power. The same goes for a Tesla, by the way. It takes at least 5 times as much power before the charging port even lights up.

What is Balcony solar power system

Balcony solar power systems are a type of solar energy system that is designed to be installed on balconies or rooftops. These systems are typically composed of solar panels, an inverter or micro inverter, and sometimes also a battery pack. The solar panels convert sunlight into electricity and store it in the battery pack, which is then used to power your home. In other cases the excess power from your micro inverter can be fed back to the utility grid.

Generally, these systems – especially the ones installed with micro inverter – are easy to set up and maintain, and they provide a reliable source of energy with minimal environmental impact.

What does a balcony solar system include?

1: Solar panels: Solar panels are the main component of a balcony solar system. They consist of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. The size and number of panels required for a balcony system will depend on the amount of electricity you need to generate and the size of your balcony.Shenzhen Solarparts offers 300W 600W and 800W and 900W balcony solar systems, all of them are more popular in EU market now. 

2:  Inverter: The inverter is micro-inverters which is a device that converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be used to power your appliances and devices. It can be plug in directly to your home AC power.

3:  Mounting brakets: Mounting braket is used to attach the solar panels to the balcony. It must be strong enough to support the weight of the panels and withstand wind and other environmental factors.

4: PV Cables: Cables are used to connect the components of the system and integrate it into the building's electrical system. The type and size of cables required will depend on the size and configuration of your system.

How a balcony solar system works?

  1. Sunlight strikes the solar panels and is converted into electricity.
  2. The charge controller regulates the flow of electricity from the panels to the battery storage.
  3. The inverter converts the direct current electricity into alternating current electricity.
  4. The alternating current electricity is used to power your appliances and devices.

What's the Advantages of a balcony solar system?

  1. Eco-Friendly: A balcony solar system generates electricity from a renewable source, the sun. This reduces your dependence on fossil fuels and helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Cost savings: By generating your own electricity, you can reduce your energy bills and potentially save money in the long term.
  3. Increased energy independence: With a balcony solar system, you are less dependent on the grid and can generate your own electricity, even during power outages.
  4. Energy independence: A small, modular balcony solar system helps provide your household with independence from the electrical grid. This means that, in times of high energy prices or emergencies, you’ll have a reliable source of power to keep your home running, and you can limit the amount of power you purchase from the grid to offset costs.
  5. Easy installation: Simple, plug-and-play installation, Balcony solar systems are compact and easy to install, making them a good choice for homes and offices with limited space.No need to report or register (in Germany or Austria): As long as your balcony solar system remains firmly under a certain capacity (no more than 600W in Germany and 800W in Austria), you don’t need to report it to your local utility company or government. This makes the installation process quick and easy, removing the added hassle of paperwork, bureaucracy, or waiting periods.

To learn more about photovoltaic power generation, please follow Wuzeck official website: