solar panels

solar panels


Absorbing sunshine and using this abundant resources to generate electricity is free. However, for many solar starters, it is not a small investment. Like buying a house, which has an upfront cost but pays off in the long term. The installation can be compared to a small construction project and each module contains multiple parts to make everything run smoothly. So, how does a homeowner ensure that taking a chance on clean energy solutions will be worthwhile? There are four key areas for homeowners to evaluate when determining which solar provider will be the right fit for them. These factors can make or break the value of a solar system and determine how beneficial it will be for a homeowner.


1: Efficiency


When it comes to saving money, solar panel efficiency matters. Wuzeck has the most efficient panels on the market and requires less rooftop space to meet a homeowner’s energy needs. In fact, Wuzeck solar panels equipped with bypass diodes to reduce power drop caused by shade, has excellent performance under low light environment.This makes SOLARPARTS solar panels a great solution for compact roof sizes and allows space for further expansion.


Specifically designed with a unique nonstick surface, Wuzeck solar panels can generate sunlight from ultraviolet and infrared rays. With the ability to trap all of this light, many homeowners have found that their solar systems have produced enough energy to shave serious dollars off of their utility bills.


2: Warranty


Not all warranties are created equal. To truly protect your solar investment, you need to ensure your solar equipment is fully covered. Sure, some companies might have a decent-looking warranty at first glance but solar companies come and go. If a company goes out of business, the warranty will become void and that’s not helpful for anyone. To feel truly confident that your investment is covered, you should choose a company that stands the test of time. Wuzeck has been serving the solar industry for over 25 years and we’re here to stay.


It’s that experience that has led Wuzeck to work out ways to develop products that better serve our homeowners, including how we build our systems. In general, a solar system is comprised of many different working pieces. For many solar companies, that means things can get complicated. That is unless you own a Wuzeck solar system. Homeowners don’t have to worry about going to various manufacturers to get their solar system fixed, they only need to rely on one company—Wuzeck.


3: Degradation


An investment is only good for the lifetime of the item being invested in. While homeowners should choose durable solar modules, there is one important factor that can be easily overlooked. Degradation is the rate at which a solar panel loses its production capabilities over time. Because solar panels sit on top of a homeowners’ roof, they are exposed to various types of weathering and temperature changes. These changes can cause the solar panels to expand and contract, adding stress to the cells inside. Conventional solar cells often crack and break under the pressure, leaving them to produce less energy over time. Wuzeck solar cells are made differently. It is equipped With IP65 junction box, resist power loss due to bending and squeezing. When it comes down to it, Wuzeck solar panel last longer, providing homeowners with decades of high-efficiency solar energy. 


When it comes down to it, the cost of a solar system is just one part of the equation. Homeowners that take the time to truly identify what makes a solar system valuable will reap the biggest benefits. And they don’t have to figure this out on their own. Therefore, they need solar experts to help them to find out. Wuzeck own a complete and professional team to help customers to solve these problems. If you`re now switching to solar, please don`t hesitate to contact us!