solar panels

How Long It will Take for Solar Panel Installation 1/2

solar panels


Many people decide to switch to solar my wonder that how long for themselves to install a solar system and how long can the investment be paid back. Read on to learn more about how long it takes to install solar panels , the factors that affect installation time and how long it takes to recover the installation investment. 


How long does solar panel installation take?


The entire process of installing solar panels and getting them approved isn't an overnight process. There will be waiting periods for each step of the process. The time for each step can vary depending on where you live, your solar company, the solar panels you choose and how many others are installing solar panels. These are the steps to a solar installation process and approximately how long each step could take:


1: Site assessment


Once you choose your solar company, one of the first steps is getting your site assessed and approved. A solar professional from your company will visit the site and examine the roof and other features to ensure they can support a solar system. The professionals will assure your roof can handle the weight and that your electrical system can handle the amount of energy you want to produce. The experts will also check that nothing is obstructing the sunlight and confirm the measurements. This step can take around one to two weeks, from the initial phone call to the site visit itself.


2: Local permitting


To install solar panels, you must get the proper permits from your local government, as you would for any construction project. When making a significant change to your home, your homeowner's association (HOA) may also want to know about it, and you may need approval from the HOA to begin. The permits you'll need will vary depending on your local government and the time it takes to get all of the permits will also vary by where you live. In most cases, you'll need a photovoltaic (PV) permit, a general electrical permit and/or a construction permit. Because you're dependent on bureaucracy to move forward, this step can take anywhere from three to six or more weeks.


3: Solar system design


The type of solar panels and mountings you use will affect the time it takes to install your system. Your solar company may have to order parts if they're not in stock, which can add time to your installation. If your solar company uses parts that must come from overseas, you could wait weeks for the solar equipment to arrive. In addition, your solar system design may need one more approval before the installation can proceed. If the solar experts who examined the site want to make changes, you may be waiting for approval before you can move forward. 


This step can vary depending on if you need design approval and where your parts are coming from. It may take one to two weeks. The good news is this can be done in parallel with the permitting step above!


4: The installation


Once your installation is scheduled, this step is actually the quickest step, to most people's surprise. Most often, your solar company will be able to install the solar system in only a few days. The installers will arrive at your house with all the equipment and get to work. They'll start with the wiring system and finish by installing the panels themselves. Sometimes they can finish in a day, but if your roof is large or complicated, it could take a few days. Depending on the size or your solar system and roof, this step can take one to two days.


5: Inspection


Once your solar system is on your roof, you still have to wait before you can start generating power. A local inspector must visit the site to ensure that the solar panels are installed correctly and up to code. This step is there to make sure all installations are safe and ready to start generating electricity. This step can vary depending on the time of year and the current backlog for inspections. Depending on where you live and how quickly the inspector can come, this step can take up to one week.


6: Utility connection


You're in the home stretch now. The last step is to file an application with your utility company to get them to flip the switch to connect your system. The utility company will often install a meter to determine how much energy you produce. Between the application and installation, this last step can vary in how long it'll take. This step is where many customers get anxious, but the solar panels will be worth it in the end.

This step can take up to two weeks, depending on your utility company. Overall, a solar installation can take as little as a few weeks to several months to complete. This may seem like an extended period, but don't let that deter you from switching to solar panels. A solar system can reduce your electricity bills, help you become self-sufficient and reduce the toll on the environment.


Generally, the above six steps can summarize the whole process of a solar system installation. And there are also many factors can influence the time one spends on the installation of solar panel. Keep following with Wuzeck, to get further information!


Many people decide to switch to solar my wonder that how long for themselves to install a solar system and how long can the investment be paid back. Read on to learn more about how long it takes to install solar panels , the factors that affect installation time and how long it takes to recover the installation investment. 


How long does solar panel installation take?


The entire process of installing solar panels and getting them approved isn't an overnight process. There will be waiting periods for each step of the process. The time for each step can vary depending on where you live, your solar company, the solar panels you choose and how many others are installing solar panels. These are the steps to a solar installation process and approximately how long each step could take:


1: Site assessment


Once you choose your solar company, one of the first steps is getting your site assessed and approved. A solar professional from your company will visit the site and examine the roof and other features to ensure they can support a solar system. The professionals will assure your roof can handle the weight and that your electrical system can handle the amount of energy you want to produce. The experts will also check that nothing is obstructing the sunlight and confirm the measurements. This step can take around one to two weeks, from the initial phone call to the site visit itself.


2: Local permitting


To install solar panels, you must get the proper permits from your local government, as you would for any construction project. When making a significant change to your home, your homeowner's association (HOA) may also want to know about it, and you may need approval from the HOA to begin. The permits you'll need will vary depending on your local government and the time it takes to get all of the permits will also vary by where you live. In most cases, you'll need a photovoltaic (PV) permit, a general electrical permit and/or a construction permit. Because you're dependent on bureaucracy to move forward, this step can take anywhere from three to six or more weeks.


3: Solar system design


The type of solar panels and mountings you use will affect the time it takes to install your system. Your solar company may have to order parts if they're not in stock, which can add time to your installation. If your solar company uses parts that must come from overseas, you could wait weeks for the solar equipment to arrive. In addition, your solar system design may need one more approval before the installation can proceed. If the solar experts who examined the site want to make changes, you may be waiting for approval before you can move forward. 


This step can vary depending on if you need design approval and where your parts are coming from. It may take one to two weeks. The good news is this can be done in parallel with the permitting step above!


4: The installation


Once your installation is scheduled, this step is actually the quickest step, to most people's surprise. Most often, your solar company will be able to install the solar system in only a few days. The installers will arrive at your house with all the equipment and get to work. They'll start with the wiring system and finish by installing the panels themselves. Sometimes they can finish in a day, but if your roof is large or complicated, it could take a few days. Depending on the size or your solar system and roof, this step can take one to two days.


5: Inspection


Once your solar system is on your roof, you still have to wait before you can start generating power. A local inspector must visit the site to ensure that the solar panels are installed correctly and up to code. This step is there to make sure all installations are safe and ready to start generating electricity. This step can vary depending on the time of year and the current backlog for inspections. Depending on where you live and how quickly the inspector can come, this step can take up to one week.


6: Utility connection


You're in the home stretch now. The last step is to file an application with your utility company to get them to flip the switch to connect your system. The utility company will often install a meter to determine how much energy you produce. Between the application and installation, this last step can vary in how long it'll take. This step is where many customers get anxious, but the solar panels will be worth it in the end.

This step can take up to two weeks, depending on your utility company. Overall, a solar installation can take as little as a few weeks to several months to complete. This may seem like an extended period, but don't let that deter you from switching to solar panels. A solar system can reduce your electricity bills, help you become self-sufficient and reduce the toll on the environment.


Generally, the above six steps can summarize the whole process of a solar system installation. And there are also many factors can influence the time one spends on the installation of solar panel. Keep following with Wuzeck, to get further information!